Orchard Mesa
Lions Club

When it comes to meeting challenges, our response is simple: WE SERVE. Supporting a variety of organizations throughout the Mesa Valley. We believe it's our duty to support those in our own community.
In 1927, Helen Keller challenged Lions to be knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness. Lions took this challenge and have expanded it into five global issues which Lions support.
The Orchard Mesa Lions Club partners with multiple local organizations. We believe in supporting and making a difference in our own communities. For more information about any of our programs, please click here!

The Lions help provide early screening for children to detect eye problems in young children. The equipment allows us to detect six common vision problems in children.
Prescription Eyeglasses Assistance

Our club provides eyecare to individuals in need on an individual basis.
District 51 Schools

We support programs at elementary and middle schools on Orchard Mesa along with providing constitution booklets to all 8th grade classes across the valley.
County Fair

Every summer, the Mesa County Fair Board partners with us along with 4-H and FFA members. They share educational projects with the public.
Salvation Army

The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian church. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.
Orchard Mesa Little League

Orchard Mesa Little League is dedicated to teaching the values of teamwork, sportsmanship, and fair play while learning to safely play and enjoy the game.

The OM Lions Club sponsors a team at The Junior College Baseball World Series. This tournament brings athletes from all over the country together in the last week of May.
CMU Scholarships

We continue to provide and support educational opportunities for individuals in the valley to attend Colorado Mesa University.
Mountain Lions Eye Bank

Our mission is to fulfill the wishes of eye donors and their families in order to help another overcome blindness through transplantation and research.
Colorado Lions Foundation

The Foundation provides annual educational scholarships for Colorado High School graduates. They also provide matching funds and grants for humanitarian projects.
Colorado Lions Camp

The camp is a year-round facility that provides summer and respite programs for individuals with special needs age 8 to adult.
American Legion Bike Run

Raising awareness and funds for children that are abused or neglected looking for a permanent home.
Wreath Across America

Each December on National Wreaths Across America Day, we partner with others to lay wreaths on the graves of all locally fallen soldiers.
Alzheimer Walk
Raising awareness and funds for Alzheimer's care, support and research.
Operation Interdependence

Operation Interdependence provides military care packages and support to active military members overseas and to veterans at home.
Food Bank of the Rockies

With the belief that food is the foundation for a happy, healthy life. Providing food for seniors, kids, families and individuals.
Leader Dogs
For The Blind

Lions provides leader dogs for people who are blind or visually impaired along with other services for the blind.
Lions Club International Foundation

Since 1968, the charitable arm of Lions Clubs International, LCIF has provided grant funding for local and global humanitarian efforts. It's funded entirely by charitable donations from Lions, our friends, and partners.